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News about this site and photography updates coming soon . . . . . .

TAA Day 5 - Socorro NM

Greetings from New Mexico, the weather was nice, 60's but wind picked up as the day progressed. Rest (photo) day today, I'm not going to say much more, we will let the images speak for themselves.

Click on any image to see it full screen. These are just quick edits, final versions will be much cleaner once posted to my web site.

Bosque del Apache is actually located in the town of San Antonio, NM. Here is the town hall, the mayor and the train station.

TAA Day 4 - Zion National Park to Socorro NM

Long day today, left the hotel in Zion at sunrise and shot on the way out of the park. Had to deal with construction road closures on the way out of Utah. Lost 1 1/2 hours. Had planned to go to the Grand Canyon but a detour due to another road closure sent me so far away, then dust storms and crappy skies, I finally bailed on the GC. Drove 570 miles, needless to say you will have to wait another day to see the rest of Zion.

Some of today's images will be processed as HDR (high dynamic range). This technique involves taking several images of the same scene and combining them with others that are under and over exposed.

Here is one image from Thursday at Zion. I prefer the B&W version?

TAA Day 3 - Las Vegas to Springdale Utah

Got to Zion in the afternoon. Canyons were too tight for my style, light was not exciting.

Here are a few from Wednesday, have more but need work in post processing.